Mixed Media Collaborative Art Game

Fourth grade students created collaborative art by playing a mixed media game. They used the materials they had selected from cards in a cup, then switched to a new piece of artwork and used a new art supply.

Abstract and Realistic Metallic Drawings 

Fourth grade students discussed the differences between several of Paul Klee’s paintings. They created one realistic and one abstract drawing, and then colored their artwork using metallic crayons. PowerPoint: Abstract and Realistic Supplies: 9″ x 9″ black construction paper (2 per student) White colored pencils Metallic crayons   This project provided the perfect opportunity for my…

Create a Coloring Page

Third and fourth grade art students drew their own coloring book pages, then colored a photo copy of a classmate’s artwork. Supplies: Copy paper Pencils Sharpies Crayons Copier (Make one copy of each drawing) Downloadable PowerPoint: Create a Coloring Page   This project is a winner for artists of all ages – I have done it…

Bold Wax Resists

Wax resists are a great way to end the quarter! Each student created an abstract or realistic drawing, colored a thick waxy layer with crayon, crumpled it and painted it with india ink. Art Lesson Videos: Wax Resist, Part 1 & Wax Resist, Part 2 Supply Set-up Video: Ink Set-up PowerPoint: Bold Wax Resists Supplies: 9″ x…

Combat Boredom with Sketchbook Projects

Use sketchbooks as a way to extend students’ learning after they finish working on their art project for the day. Supplies (for each book): 12″ x 18″ construction paper 4 sheets 12″ x 18″ drawing paper Staples! The best change I made to my classroom last year was introducing sketchbooks! The first quarter I used…

Independent Projects

At the end of the quarter, fourth grade art students created Independent Projects by choosing their subject and medium. Supplies: Markers Colored Pencils Crayons Watercolors Construction paper and glue Printmaking supplies Yarn Poster board Drawing paper PowerPoint: Independent Project For whatever weird scheduling reason, the third quarter is a little longer than the others. I decided…

Hybrid Animals

Using photo references, fourth graders practiced observational drawing by combining characteristics of two different animals to create a hybrid. Supplies: Pencils, erasers Photo references of animals Sets of 24 colored pencils 9″ x 12″ drawing paper Downloadable PowerPoint: Hybrid Animals I wrote my hybrid animal lesson plan the first year I was teaching. I had middle school…

Listen Up! Game

Listen Up! Game is perfect for introducing elementary students to the art classroom.

Eagle Challenge

High school art students created their interpretation of an eagle to display at a concert.

Paper Challenge

High school art students were challenged to created a piece of artwork using only paper and adhesive.